
Iubesc animalele si de cand ma stiu am avut cate un mic prieten. Fie ca a fost un mic perus colorat, un hamster cu obrajorii plini de mancare, sau broaste testoase lenese, am fost mereu inconjurata de animale. Acum o am pe Titi, o catelusa alba, gasita la Urziceni, la o fabrica de zahar. Plina de raie demodecica dar si multe alte probleme, am reusit sa o salvez, cu greu si multa daruinta. Dar tot efortul depus, a meritat. Cand ajung acasa dupa o zi grea, ea ma asteapta fericita in capul scarilor, cand vine si ma cheama la joaca cu codita ridicata, cand se rasfata, toate aceste momente care fac viata mai dulce si fiecare clipa sa conteze mai mult. Toate imi amintesc de fapt, ca lucrurile mici sunt cele care conteaza cu adevarat in viata.

M-am decis sa scriu aceasta rubrica despre animale, pentru ca tu draga cititorule sa fii informat, si sa acorzi animalului tau atentia de care are nevoie. Nu iti cumpara un animal doar de dragul copilului, sau doar ca sa vezi cum e. Un animal iti va ocupa mult timp, bani si implicare. Daca nu esti dispus sa i le oferi, mai bine renunta la aceasta idee.

Avand un caine cu probleme de sanatate, a trebuit sa ma informez mult, si sa acord o atentie deosebita alimentatiei. Am vazut diferenta cu ochii mei, cand am trecut de la un tip de hrana la alta, si vreau sa impartasesc cu tine,  experienta mea.  Am fost la multi doctori veterinari, si am cerut parerea tuturor. Am pus pe foaie toate informatiile si am tras concluziile.

Sper ca articolele ce urmeaza sa iti fie de folos!


I love animals and since I was a girl, I had a little friend. Whether it was a small colored parrot, a hamster with cheeks full of food, or lazy turtles, I was always surrounded by animals. Now I have Titi, a white dog, found in Urziceni, at a sugar factory. Full of demodecy and many other problems, I managed to save her, but it was hard and involved a lot of daring. But all the effort was worth it. When I get home after a hard day, she is waiting for me, happy at the end of the stairs, when she comes and calls me to play together, when the dog wants to be petted, all these moments that make life sweet and every moment matter more and more. All of this actually reminds me that the small things are the ones that really matter in life.

I decided to write this section about animals, because you dear reader to be informed, and give your pet the attention it needs. Do not buy an animal just because your child wants it, or just to see how it is to have an animal. An animal will take you a lot of time, money and involvement. If you are not willing to offer it, better give up this idea.

Having a dog with health problems, I had to inform myself a lot, and pay special attention to food. I saw the difference with my eyes, when I switched from one type of food to another, and I want to share with you, my experience. I’ve been to a lot of veterinarians, and I asked for everyone’s opinion. I put all the information on the sheet and drew the conclusions.

I hope the articles to help!

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