We continue the series of articles about hair, and today we will talk about scalp disorders , as well as a series of remedies for beautiful hair. Scalp disorders: Dandruff Dandruff has been known since
We continue the series of articles about hair, and today we will talk about scalp disorders , as well as a series of remedies for beautiful hair.
Scalp disorders:
Dandruff has been known since the time of the Greeks, who called this condition ptiriasis. Dandruff is a common and common condition that affects the scalp on diffuse surfaces.
According to the latest research, dandruff is due to the formation of superficial layers of the scalp.
There are two types of dandruff:
- dry dandruff– is manifested by the formation of small scales that fall like rain when shaking hair;
greasy – it is noticeable only by scratching the scalp with the nails: it is found that it is covered with a kind of greasy paste, consisting of scales mixed with sebum. - Oily dandruff is usually preceded by dry dandruff. Dry dandruff most often occurs around the age of 12 years. After a while the scales become yellowish, damp and do not fall out of the hair. The child seems to be healed, but in reality the symptom is aggravating. Oily dandruff has formed, which suffocates the hair and accelerates its fall.
Dandruff is not a trivial condition. Failure to treat it will result in allopathy.
But there are many products: shampoos, creams and lotions – which fight it. for rebellious cases it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.
Seborrhea is a condition that is manifested by excessive production of sebum in the scalp region. Seborrhea has a serious consequence: hair loss, which can even cause alopecia (baldness), rarely total in women.
The intensity of the fall varies from subject to subject, depending on the severity of the seborrhea and the resistance of the threads.
Sometimes the scalp is very oily, but the hair falls out relatively little (60-70 strands a day), other times the hair loss is abundant (130 strands a day), although the skin is less greasy.
Sebum secretion is affected by several factors, some of which can cause seborrhea in some situations:
- endocrine balance – excessive production of male hormones (both in men and women) is an important factor in the production of seborrheic baldness. That seborrhea is related to the activity of the sex glands is proved by its appearance around the age of 12 and the aggravation around 16-17 years.
- nervous balance – it has been shown that emotional disorders and nervous tension have a clear influence on the sebaceous glands. People who suffer from mild seborrhea find that it worsens during certain periods of fatigue or emotion.
- diet – excessive consumption of carbohydrates (sugar, potatoes, pasta, bread, etc.) and the assimilation of large amounts of fats, especially of animal origin, contribute to the maintenance of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands.
- blood circulation in the epicranial region – decreased blood flow in this region is accompanied, among other things, by a development of seborrhea. The phenomenon can occur either with age or with people who wear a hat or a hat that is too tight for a longer period of time.
The treatment of seborrhea is mandatory and has definite results (not immediate, of course). If you have seborrhea, you should consult your dermatologist immediately.
At the level of the scalp, one or more hairless, round, shiny, pearly-looking surfaces appear.
Causes: nervous and endocrine factors.
Treatment: Medical. Hair grows in 12-18 months
It manifests itself in the form of small alopecia areas, rough and covered with gray scales. the hairs are broken 3-4 cm from the root and covered with a gray sheath.
Causes: pathogenic fungus.
It appears as small alopecia areas with an irregular outline: they sometimes have ridges that have a black dot or scaly plaques on top. The scales attached to the small hairs form dirty, gray surfaces.
Causes: pathogenic fungus.
At the root of the hairs there are small depressions in the form of a yellow cup. The scalp has an unpleasant odor.
Causes: pathogenic fungus.
Food and hair
A balanced diet is of paramount importance for maintaining a normal metabolism of the skin and its appendages. Any food deficiency is easily detected by examining the skin, hair and nails. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein, as well as a high intake of fats and carbohydrates, can greatly ensure that we have healthy, good-looking hair.
- Vitamin A – is very necessary for the maintenance of the body’s mucous membranes. Its deficiency can cause, among other things, hyperkeratosis of the skin (it becomes hard, crusty, dry). Dermatologists also recommend it in the treatment for acne. Hypervitaminosis A (excessive absorption of vitamin A) is harmful to hair and skin. The skin dries out and the hair follicles become inflamed, resulting in alopecia. With a change of diet, the hair may return to normal. Vitamin A is found in milk, egg yolk, butter, liver, kidneys, fish, fish oil, fatty cheeses and vegetables such as carrots, squash, zucchini, turnips.
- Vitamin D – is needed to balance calcium, normalize phosphorus metabolism and facilitate the transfer of oxygen through hemoglobin in the body. Deficiency predisposes children to rickets. Excess vitamin D has serious consequences, but not on the health of the skin and hair. Vitamin D is obtained in the body by sun exposure or by eating foods such as fish oil, butter, etc.
- Vitamin E – is considered essential for the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, muscle tissue and vascular system. deficiency causes a fragility of red blood cells. The best sources of vitamin E are cereal germs, their oils and wholemeal bread.
- Vitamin K – among other things, is necessary for the good assimilation of vitamin E. It is found in cauliflower, cabbage, egg yolk, liver, rice, bran, spinach, soybean oil, tomatoes and fir buds.
- Vitamin F – experienced in animals in the laboratory, the deficiency in this vitamin is manifested in the skin by thickening the stratum corneum, degeneration of the sebaceous glands and hair. it is used in the composition of shampoos and creams. It is found in vegetable oils of peanuts, corn, etc.
- Vitamin B – Vitamin B1 depends on the normal growth processes in the body, muscle contraction, blood circulation, appetite, digestion, and proper functioning of the nervous system. This vitamin is found in wheat, corn, rye, rice, nuts, almonds, peanuts, lamb, beef, liver, brewer’s yeast, yogurt, and certain cheeses. Vitamin B2 is involved in the transport of hydrogen, in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to skin disorders, dryness, cracks in the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the tongue, general fatigue, nervous disorders and is unfavorable to hair growth. Sources of vitamin B2 are in the liver, kidneys, milk, green plants, brewer’s yeast, yogurt, wheat germ. Vitamin B6 plays a major role in the body’s use of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. It contributes to the formation of blood elements and the metabolism of the skin, nerves and muscles, etc. The most important sources are: egg yolks, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, yogurt, liver, meat, milk, cabbage, beans. Vitamin B12 plays an antianemic factor and is necessary for the normal functioning of nerve tissue. Important sources: milk, liver.
- Vitamin PP – is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, skin, nervous system and circulation. Deficiency causes pellagra, memory loss, swelling of the gums and tongue. In large doses, it causes vasodilation in the scalp and cheek. Important sources: green vegetables, peas, beans.
- Pantothenic acid – is an essential factor for skin health. In animals, the deficiency is manifested by bleaching of the hair, atrophy of the follicles and bulbs, and a decrease in the concentration of pigment in the pilo-sebaceous apparatus. This substance plays a role in the metabolism of copper, an essential material for the synthesis of melanin. Pantothenic acid is found in egg yolk, liver, peanuts, brewer’s yeast, yogurt, beef, cabbage, cauliflower, milk, corn, potatoes, oats, wheat germ and vegetable oils.
- Vitamin H (biotin) – stimulates cell growth. In laboratory animals, deficiency causes dermatitis, stops hair growth, bleaches hair and causes plaque alopecia.
- Folic acid – stimulates the formation of bone marrow and promotes the proper functioning of the liver. participates in maintaining normal hair pigmentation. Folic acid deficiency can cause anemia. Important sources: green leaves (hence the name folic acid) of vegetables, wheat, soy, dairy products.
- Vitamin C – has a leading role in the formation of collagen, an intercellular colloidal substance of connective tissue, but also of cartilage, oxine and dentin. It has an anti-infective role, prevents scurvy, corrects the tendency of hemorrhage of the capillaries, promotes their healing. It is found in green vegetables and fruits.
Mineral salts
Especially vegetables and fruits (especially their peel) contain mineral salts. As for sodium chloride (table salt) it, in excessive amounts, has negative effects on the health of the scalp. It has been observed that the salt-free diet prescribed for other conditions has resulted in a 20-60% decrease in the rate of hair loss.
In order to maintain a water balance in the body, which is strictly necessary for the health and beauty of the hair, you must drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day (unless your doctor has found this treatment contraindicated).
The anti-seborrheic regime
An extremely important factor that influences the excessive secretion of sebum (oily hair) is the diet.
Those who suffer from seborrhea will have to follow a fairly strict diet.
Allowed foods: meat (lean, boiled or fried), fish (cooked or fried), wholemeal bread, fruit, sugar-free fruit juices, skim milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs (boiled or poached), green vegetables.
Prohibited foods: chocolate, butter or margarine in excess, condensed milk, cream, cream, potatoes and bread in large quantities, salt, tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol, liqueurs, fatty foods, fried foods, nuts, fatty cheese, bacon, sausages fats, spices, pepper, mustard, pickles.
In the next article we will talk about how to brush your hair.