face morphology

Face morphology

Not every make-up tutorial you see on the internet will suit you. But you can adapt it according to the morphology of your face. We will show you how to make your makeup correctly, according

Not every make-up tutorial you see on the internet will suit you. But you can adapt it according to the morphology of your face. We will show you how to make your makeup correctly, according to your features.


The main types of physiognomy are:

Oval :


  • considered the ideal type of face, has a harmonious form;
  • the height of the forehead is proportional to the area of the cheekbones and lower jaw and chin;
  • the length of an oval face is one and a half times the central width of the cheeks;


Highlight cheekbones, chin and nasal bridge.



  • the shape of the face is characterized by the lateral contour of the face, following a straight line on the vertical;
  • face is as long as it is wide


Slim and lengthen the face, soften the angular cheekbones and pointy, prominent jawline



  • face is longer than it is wide;
  • features high forehead with low, long chin.


Widen the face and soften the features by balancing the volumes.



  • symmetrical form; the cheekbones and forehead are approximately the same height;
  • the chin is narrow and not sharp, having a low height.


Reduce/ hollow the volumes of the cheeks and facial contour to lengthen the face.



  • the face is wider in the lower part compared to the upper one, the forehead being narrower than the jaw line;
  • the chin is not sharp.


Reduce the width of the jaw and highlight the cheekbones and forehead.


Invert triangle:

  • wide forehead;
  • the cheekbones are tall;
  • the face narrows to the chin.


Restore the balance between the two halves of the face: reduce the top (wide) part an accentuate the lower (slim) part.


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