Îngrijirea animalelor de companie pe timp de vară: asigurați hidratarea, protecția și confortul câinilor și pisicilor în zilele calde.

Summer pet care

Essential Summer Pet Care Tips: The Complete Guide for Dogs and Cats Summer can be a wonderful time for both us and our pets, but the high temperatures require special attention to ensure their well-being.

Essential Summer Pet Care Tips: The Complete Guide for Dogs and Cats

Summer can be a wonderful time for both us and our pets, but the high temperatures require special attention to ensure their well-being. In this article, we provide essential summer pet care tips, focusing on the needs of dogs and cats during this warm period.

1. Hydration is the key to summer health

Ensuring proper hydration is crucial for dogs and cats, especially on hot days. Pets must have constant access to fresh, clean water. Change the water several times a day and, if you are away from home, leave several bowls of water available.

Îngrijirea animalelor de companie pe timp de vară: asigurați hidratarea, protecția și confortul câinilor și pisicilor în zilele calde.


2. Protection from extreme heat Summer pet care

Summer pet care involves avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun. Keep dogs and cats in cool, shaded areas. Also, avoid walking at peak times of the day, preferring early mornings or late evenings when temperatures are cooler.

3. Finding the right place to relax

Make sure pets have a cool place to retreat to. A fan or cooling mat can go a long way in keeping dogs and cats comfortable. Inside, draw the curtains and use air conditioning or fans to maintain a comfortable temperature.


4. Protection against parasites

Summer is peak season for ticks, fleas and other pests. Summer pet care includes regular application of antiparasitic treatments. Consult your veterinarian to choose the right products for your dog or cat.

5. Avoiding overheating

Signs of overheating in animals include excessive panting, lethargy, excessive drooling and, in severe cases, collapse. If you notice such symptoms, act immediately: take the animal to a cool place and contact a veterinarian urgently.

6. Adequate feeding in the hot season

During the summer, pets may need dietary adjustments. Offer smaller, more frequent meals to avoid indigestion and keep energy steady. Consult your veterinarian to discuss specific summer nutritional needs.

7. Adapted physical activities and exercises

Keep animals active, but adjust activities according to temperature. On very hot days, opt for games indoors or in shaded areas. Avoid hot asphalt that can hurt dogs’ paws.


Summer pet care is essential to keeping your dogs and cats healthy and happy. By adopting simple but effective measures, we can protect our silent friends from the dangers associated with high temperatures. By following these tips, summer will be an enjoyable and safe time for everyone in the family, including pets.

We hope this guide will help you make this summer a memorable and carefree one for your dogs and cats.


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