Incepe GreenSounds FESTIVAL Ce faci in weekend-ul asta (24-26 august)? Daca esti in Bucuresti si nu ai alte planuri, trebuie sa stii ca incepe BUCHAREST GreenSounds FESTIVAL! Organizat de Primaria Capitalei, prin Creart – Centrul de Creatie,
Incepe GreenSounds FESTIVAL
Ce faci in weekend-ul asta (24-26 august)? Daca esti in Bucuresti si nu ai alte planuri, trebuie sa stii ca incepe BUCHAREST GreenSounds FESTIVAL! Organizat de Primaria Capitalei, prin Creart – Centrul de Creatie, Arta si Traditie al Municipiului Bucuresti, festivalul se va tine in Parcul Regele Mihai I (fost Herastrau), intrarea Charles de Gaulle. La sfarsitul acestei veri, festivalul va celebra Bucurestiul prin dans, muzica si diversitate culturala, si il include pe lista oraselor de renume din Europa care incurajeaza turismul de festival.
Ce inseamna GreenSounds FESTIVAL?
Muzica buna, cu artisti si trupe de top din Romania dar si din strainatate, care vor tine concerte desfasurate alternativ pe cele doua scene din Parcul Herastrau. Vei avea parte de activitati interactive, un spatiu dedicat gastronomiei internationale dar si un bazar urban.
Cui se adreseaza?
Acest festival se adreseaza in general tinerilor nonconformisti, dar desigur, este un loc bun si pentru familiile care vor sa isi petreaca timpul liber intr-un mod deosebit. Dupa cum ne prezinta organizatorii, acest eveniment va fi despre “oameni frumosi, muzica buna, experiente inedite, distractie, relaxare, delicii si arome”.
Ziua 2 (sambata, 25 august)
Ziua 3 (duminica, 30 august)
Un sfarsit de vara in capitala, pe care nu il vei uita! Legendarii UB40 featuring Ali Campbell, Astro and Mickey Virtue vin la final de august, cu un show live care va ramane in inimile tuturor! Club des Belugas, una dintre cele mai importante trupe germane de Nujazz din Europa vor urca si ei pe scena BUCHAREST GreenSounds FESTIVAL 2018. Clubul de instrumentisti, vocalisti si DJ-i combina creativ stilurile contemporane Electro, Lounge, Nujazz cu beat-uri braziliene, Swing și American Black Soul din anii ’50, ’60 si ’70, rezultand un show live de excepie. Pe cele doua scene din parc, vor mai urca succesiv trupele romanesti The Details, Grimus, NextEx, The Amsterdams, artista Valeria Stoica, DJ-ii CS84 si Guz.
Gasesti programul aici!
Daca esti in cautarea unui loc perfect de a iti petrece timpul liber, te-ar putea interesa si articolul acesta!
GreenSounds FESTIVAL begins!
What are you doing this weekend (August 24-26)? If you are in Bucharest and have no plans, you must know that BUCHAREST GreenSounds FESTIVAL begins! Organized by the Bucharest City Hall, through Creart – the Center for Creation, Art and Tradition of Bucharest, the festival will be held in King Mihai I Park (former Herastrau), Charles de Gaulle entrance. At the end of this summer, the festival will celebrate Bucharest through dance, music and cultural diversity, and will include it on the list of famous European cities that encourage festival tourism.
What does GreenSounds FESTIVAL mean?
Good music, with artists and top bands from Romania and abroad, who will perform concerts performed alternately on the two scenes of Herastrau Park. You will have interactive activities, a space dedicated to international gastronomy, but also an urban bazaar.
Who is it addressed to?
This festival is generally aimed at young non-conformists, but of course it is also a good place for families who want to spend their free time in a special way. As the organizers tell us, this event will be about “beautiful people, good music, new experiences, fun, relaxation, delights and flavors.”
Time schedule:
The Free Entrance Festival proposes for three days 26 concerts scheduled as follows:
Day 1 (Friday, August 24)
Lovely Jamaican artist Ky-Mani Marley, son of Bob Marley, is coming for the first time in Romania! His tracks transcended the cultural barriers, classifying him above a simple artist of reggae music. It incorporates hip hop, blues, rock styles into his creations and his passion for music will create an intense atmosphere and an unforgettable experience! Also on the first day, you have the opportunity to listen to them live on the two outdoor scenes, Veran Zorila, K-Lu, Jurjak, Roa, Toulouse Lautrec, Subcarpathians and Basska!
Day 2 (Saturday, August 25)
Also for the first time in Romania, the ones from The Hives arrive at the festival. The Swedes who have revitalized the Garage Rock and Garage Punk styles at international level through hits such as “Hate To Say I Told You So”, “Veni Vidi Vicious”, “Main Offender” and many more. In order to be perfect the second day of the festival too, the Austrians from Sofa Surfers, Hefe, Norunegru, The Kryptonite Sparks, RoadkillSoda, The Rat Man, Reflex Implant and Coma!
Day 3 (Sunday, August 30)
A summer end in the capital, which you will never forget! Legendary UB40 featuring Ali Campbell, Astro and Mickey Virtue come to the end of August with a live show that will remain in everyone’s hearts! Club des Belugas, one of Nujazz’s most important German bands in Europe, will also be on stage at BUCHAREST GreenSounds FESTIVAL 2018. The instrument club, vocalists and DJs creatively combine the contemporary styles of Electro, Lounge, Nujazz with Brazilian beats, Swing and American Black Soul from the ’50s,’ 60s and ’70s, resulting in an exceptional live show. On the two scenes of the park, the Romanian troops The Details, Grimus, NextEx, The Amsterdams, Valeria Stoica, CS84 DJs and Guz will be going on.
Find the program here!
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